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Preserving My Sanity

The Tree Spirit: A Story About Our Tree Stump Carvings

The Tree Spirit: A Story About Our Tree Stump Carvings

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Today’s post is a tour of a couple of tree stump carvings my husband did in our yard a couple of years ago. We live in a small town in Minnesota, on a tree lined with very huge (and very old) maple trees.

When we bought our old Victorian home on the Internet while still living in North Carolina (that’s a story I really need to share more about someday!) One of the first things Marshall talked about was this giant old maple tree that was “too close to the house.” He’s a carpenter and an electrician, and where some people see a beautiful old tree that provides shade, he sees a half-rotting threat that could take out half the house.

He left the tree alone for a few years, but then we decided it was time to have it taken down. Before my tree-loving friends worried, it turned out that the tree really WAS half rotten. Most of the large limbs were hollow about halfway through, and the tree really was so huge and so close to the house.

While they were working, they asked what we wanted to do with the stump. Marshall said he had this idea and he’d like to try and carve something with a chainsaw. We decided that if it didn’t turn out we could just cut the stump down anyway, so I told him to go for it. They left the stump about 20 feet tall or so for him.

The Tree Spirit

He proceeded to create his vision for “The Tree Spirit” with his chainsaw.  It turned out so cool. He was actually featured in the local newspaper about it shortly after it was finished. As people drive by, sometimes they stop to look at it, and some even get out to take pictures with it in the background.

Our chickens Our chicken coop sits on the backside of the tree and is fenced in around it. Since the tree wasn’t dead, it grows branches out the sides that end up looking like hair. The bonus is the shade it creates for the chickens.


A year later, he also cut down and carved a maple tree over on the other side of the house. It wasn’t a very old tree yet but was also too close to the house.

The Minnesota Muskie

The Minnesota Musky carvingSo, it came down … and he carved and painted this Minnesota Muskie. He makes handmade fishing lures that he carves from maple and paints in about 20 different colors, and this was just a tad larger fish than what he usually paints!


Tree Stump Carvings FAQs

A few questions that we know you might have:

  • Had Marshall ever done tree stump carvings before? No, he hadn’t. I always joke with him that “everything he touches turns to gold.” The truth is, he’s very creative and everything he makes really does turn out so well.
  • Does he do tree stump carvings for other people? No, he doesn’t. He has a full-time job, and he makes fishing lures. He also fishes and hunts in his spare time. Projects like this are quite time-intensive and he did these as a hobby.
  • Can you carve any kind of tree? Technically you can, but some wood is harder than others – especially once the tree dies.
  • If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

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1 thought on “The Tree Spirit: A Story About Our Tree Stump Carvings”

  1. Those are fantastic. What a lovely tribute to the beautiful old tree, giving it a second life if you will. Marshall is indeed gifted , as are Darcy, you inspire me!

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